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sabato 10 novembre 2012

Putin e Perses si sono incontrati.

President Shimon Peres held a working meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin. The two presidents conducted a private meeting between the two of them which lasted an hour and a half, after which President Putin invited the Israeli delegation led by President Peres, to a joint lunch with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Russian Ambassador to Israel Sergey Yakovlev and Israeli Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender.

During the private meeting the two men discussed the Iranian threat, the ongoing situation in Syria, ways to restart the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians as well as the strategic relations between the two countries. At the end of the meeting President Peres said, "It was a positive and efficient meeting and it is clear from the discussion that Israel's future and security is important to President Putin."
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Photo: GPO
Il Presidente Shimon Peres ha tenuto una riunione di lavoro con il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin, al Cremlino. I due presidenti si sono incontrati  privatamente. I colloqi sono durati un'ora e mezza, dopo di che il Presidente Putin ha invitato la delegazione israeliana, condotto dal Presidente Peres, ad  un pranzo comune con il ministro degli esteri russo Sergey Lavrov, il russo vice primo ministro, l' ambasciatore russo in Israele Yakovlev Sergey  e l'ambasciatore israeliano in Russia Dorit Golender.

Durante l'incontro privato i due uomini hanno discusso della minaccia iraniana, della situazione in corso in Siria, dei modi di riavviare i negoziati tra Israele e i palestinesi, come pure le relazioni strategiche tra i due paesi. Alla fine della riunione del Presidente Peres ha detto, "e ' stato un incontro positivo ed efficiente ed è chiaro che dalla discussione il futuro e la sicurezza di Israele è considerata  importante dal Presidente Putin".
Per saperne di più:

Foto: GPO (Tradotto da Bing)
President @[240142419406136:274:Shimon Peres] held a working meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in the Kremlin. The two presidents conducted a private meeting between the two of them which lasted an hour and a half, after which President Putin invited the Israeli delegation led by President Peres, to a joint lunch with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Russian Ambassador to Israel Sergey Yakovlev and Israeli Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender.

During the private meeting the two men discussed the Iranian threat, the ongoing situation in Syria, ways to restart the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians as well as the strategic relations between the two countries. At the end of the meeting President Peres said, "It was a positive and efficient meeting and it is clear from the discussion that Israel's future and security is important to President Putin."
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Photo: GPO

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