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giovedì 23 giugno 2011

On the Road to Sustainable Mobility: Where Are We Going

The CO2NeuTrAlp Final Conference "On the Road to Sustainable Mobility: Where Are We Going?" in Milano on the 30 June 2011

The CO2NeuTrAlp project final conference is getting closer. International experts will discuss on the future of sustainable mobility at Bocconi University in Milan, on June 30.

The discussion will try to sketch a vision for local mobility, with specific attention to the Alpine Space area, based on sustainability and innovativeness paradigms. Furthermore, the relationships between future mobility and territorial characteristics and endowment will be analysed in terms of environmental and socioeconomic impacts, as well as exploring the potential of natural resources and renewable energies. The final outcomes of the CO2NeuTrAlp project, as well as the results of the 13 pilot activities, will contribute to the debate and merge their specific findings into a shared pattern of guidelines for CO2 Neutral Mobility, as an effective tool to be adopted by decision makers and stakeholders in order to reach effective targets in the Alpine Space Area.

You can download the program and the registration form of the event on the CO2NeuTrAlp website :

The registration is possible until 25th June 2011 and the participation at the event is free of charge.

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